Darian Kim ’27
VPA Student Spotlight


When I heard that Jesuit had a band program, I was enthusiastic to join. I am currently involved in Concert Band, Marching Band, and Evening Orchestra.

What initially sparked your enthusiasm for your chosen discipline? What else are you involved in at JHS?

My enthusiasm for band actually started in elementary school. I started the clarinet in fourth grade, hoping to be part of the band program. The school that I went to offered a band class in middle school, but there wasn’t enough enrollment, so the program did not last. When I heard that Jesuit had a band program, I was enthusiastic to join. I am currently involved in Concert Band, Marching Band, and Evening Orchestra.

Could you share a specific experience that brought you joy in the Arts?

I loved the lively Band Room during the Concert—it was very chaotic because everybody was practicing their songs and so worth it because I got to spend that time with my friends.

What project, artwork, or performance has made you feel the most proud?

I would have to say the concert that I was in for Concert Band would be the performance — I felt proud that we could showcase and play something we’ve been working on for the whole semester. I also think we did really well and everybody should be proud of themselves.

Why would you encourage future students to join your Visual and Performing Arts Program at JHS?

There are many reasons why I would encourage future students to join the visual and performing arts program at Jesuit, especially the bands. One reason is that Mr. Loya always manages to find something new to teach, and it is so fun during rehearsals when we go on these mini tangents talking about life and how music provides joy. Even though people might join to complete the one-year requirement, it is so much more than that.