2021 Summit on Human Dignity
Racism, Antiracism, and Jesuit High School


Grounded in the understanding of systemic and interpersonal racism articulated in the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ pastoral letter Open Wide Our Hearts, and further guided by the Jesuit Schools Network’s Profile of the Graduate at Graduation, the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm, and Learning for Justice’s Social Justice Standards, we will invite students to consider their own immediate context and experiences of racial identity at Jesuit High School before considering what work for racial justice looks like in communities beyond our campus. 

Student-leaders with both the Office of Service and Justice and the Wellness Program have worked to bring this program to fruition this year, centering student voices, interests, and experiences in all facets of the day.

Students were required to pre-register for the Summit. Registration is now closed.

View the summarized schedule