STEAM+ Programs
STEAM+ Programs and Teams
STEAM (STEM + Arts), Pre-professional, Academic Competitive Teams
Classes, clubs, teams and societies at Jesuit in math, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics and pre-professional areas which help students explore career options, learn or compete while in high school.
Academic Clubs/Competitive Teams
- Cybersecurity Team
- Latin Club
- Mathletes
- Mock Trial
- Moorings
- Newspaper (Plank) Club
- Quiz Bowl
- Robotics
- Science Olympiad
- Spanish Conversation Club
- Speech and Debate
MATE International ROV Competition Photos
Photos from August 2021 at ETSU
Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) International Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) competition at Eastern Tennessee State University (ETSU)
Photos courtesy of Holly Reynolds (Jonah Reynolds ’24)
Why Jesuit High School refers to STEAM instead of STEM
Forbes article explores how creativity is the secret to unlocking STEM's full potential
February 13, 2020, Forbes article
We Need STEAM, Not STEM Education, To Prepare Our Kids For The 4th Industrial Revolution
By Bernard Marr, Contributor
Enterprise Tech
We are at the beginning of a 4th industrial revolution and educators are faced with preparing a generation of students for many jobs that don’t even exist yet. Since the term STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) was coined back in 2001, there has been growing interest in this learning philosophy to better prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs. However, to adequately prepare the future workforce, another acronym is gaining popularity: STEAM, which adds arts to the mix.
What is a STEAM Education?
STEAM Education at Jesuit High School
Jesuit High School of Sacramento provides young men with an academically rigorous college preparatory education and prepares graduates for lives of leadership and service. One of the ways that we prepare our students for their future careers is by offering STEAM courses. STEAM curriculum is designed to