Thea Bowman Justice Series: Stories for and with others
Register to Join on Zoom for Exercises in Empathy [Partnership with Palma School]


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Exercises in Empathy [Partnership with Palma School] with Soledad Correctional Training Facility’s “Brothers in Blue”

  • Tuesday, October 5
  • 6:00-7:00 pm on Zoom 

To kick off our 2021-22 Thea Bowman Justice Series: Stories For and With Others, we have an opportunity to follow up on our spring event’s theme of Restorative Justice. We have been invited to join Palma School’s “Exercises in Empathy” with Soledad Correctional Facility’s “Brothers in Blue.”  

Your participation in this Zoom means your video will be on and we can see your face.  These Zooms are recorded, but your name will not be included in the playback to the men inside the prison.  

Your kind face and respectful, lean-in listening are crucial to empathy and the overall efficacy of this program.

Requirements & Registration

In order to attend, students must have either:

  1. Attended the Thea Bowman Justice Series: Journeys to Restorative Justice event in April 2021.  
  2. Participated in the event by watching and completing the Edpuzzle posted to Classroom [Deadline: 9/30].

If you fall into one of those categories and have completed the parent consent form (see Service & Justice Classroom post), then you can register for the event.


For more information, please contact Ms. Katie Maynard (