September 2018 Principal’s Newsletter

Jesuit Email

Dear Parents and Friends:

September is upon us and we are not slowing down at Jesuit High School, with dozens of events behind us and many more to go!  We recently welcomed our parents to campus for Back-to-School Night, hosted a student dance, and experienced another successful Holy Bowl.  Our Freshmen enjoyed the Frosh Overnight Retreat led by their Senior Big Brothers and supported by the Junior Ground Crew.  The Freshmen also competed in a scavenger hunt competition (with free dress on the line!) where they learned about the history of the school, discovered the bell tower, and can now tell you the exact height of the statue of St. Ignatius. Thank you to all our parents and friends who have helped to get the 2018-2019 school year off to an amazing start.

I also wanted to make you aware that this week Jesuit recognized National Suicide Prevention Week.  The Counseling Department and Christian Service Department have partnered together to focus on the themes of mental health and wellness this year.  As part of this year-long theme, our Counseling Department recently completed ASIST training (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and they are now certified in helping individuals who may be experiencing suicidal ideation. Mental health and wellness will also be the topic of our Social Justice Summit in the Spring.

Lastly, I would like to share with you Fr. McGarry’s message from the Mass of Holy Spirit.  He noted, “Some organizations are thick, and some are thin. Some leave a mark on you, and some you pass through with scarcely a memory . . . . We are a thick institution that gathers together to remember the life of Jesus and celebrate the love of God manifested in that life by calling forth the gifts that each one of us possesses for the good of all. Different gifts, but the same Spirit. Many parts, one body!” He challenged us to consider how we might use our gifts and our experience at Jesuit High School to “make our mark in the world.” An ambitious challenge, to be sure, but one of which our young men are worthy.

Thank you for your continued partnership with Jesuit High School.


Michael Wood ‘99