Heat Monitoring Policy
Keeping students, faculty, athletes, and guests safe

Image of thermometer over 90 degrees with sky and sun in the background

Jesuit follows guidance from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and local health officials in response to high temperatures and heat-related risks to the health and welfare of students, staff, and community. Response protocols are implemented according to recommendations from the CDPH risk grid as conditions warrant.

Additionally, the California Interscholastic Federation, which governs all high school sports, has developed additional rules to help prevent student-athletes from getting exertional heart illness following a new California law that went into effect at the start of the 2024-2025 school year. 


When a high heat advisory has been issued

Jesuit monitors heat carefully throughout the day when temperatures rise. As there are many variables with heat and humidity, we rely on our onsite medical staff and athletic trainers to advise when steps to protect the health and safety of those on the Jesuit Sacramento campus will be necessary.

    Heat Index

    Our on-site Sports Medicine team will monitor outside temperatures and surface temperatures of areas, including the track, turf, and fields, to make the best recommendations for our students, campers, and athletes. Indoor areas with large gatherings will also be monitored to ensure air conditioning and circulation are working efficiently.

    When needed, the academic/athletic/event schedule will be adjusted to allow for more indoor activities, shade, hydration, rest, or even the cancellation of activities in extreme conditions. 

    How is it monitored?

    Regionally, Jesuit monitors and utilizes the National Weather Service HeatRisk Forecast Tool to determine the level of heat risk. On the Jesuit campus, the athletic trainer takes daily on-field readings for Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), and the athletic department adjusts outdoor activities based on the California Department of Public Health guidelines below.