The Advantages of Single-Gender Schools


Schools for boys understand boys and focus on building good men

There are many advantages of single-gender schools, both academically and spiritually. Schools for boys compose learning environments specifically for young men, and design classes structured for their unique learning style. Within the United States alone there are 31 single Jesuit high schools for boys with a goal to educate leaders who strive to build a better world. Jesuit High School of Sacramento is a fully-accredited Roman Catholic college preparatory dedicated to forming competent young men into conscientious leaders in compassionate service to others for the greater glory of God. 

Single-gender schools improve academic success

Single-gender schools consistently demonstrate improved student achievement and academic performance. A single-gender classroom environment offers the advantage of fewer social distractions, which allows students to focus on their studies. Single-gender schools report increased attendance, fewer behavioral issues, and higher graduation rates. Schools for boys allow them to improve their skills and intellectual abilities in a uniquely supportive setting, opening up a broader realm of prospects for the future. Traditionally, 98-100% of Jesuit High School graduates go immediately to college, 90% to four-year institutions, approximately 39% to private colleges and universities. 

Different genders have different styles of learning

Another advantage of single-gender schools is that educators are able to tailor the classroom environment specifically for that gender’s learning style. Boys learn better when they have plenty of space to spread out and move around. Boys are energized and motivated by movement; frequent breaks for physical activity help stimulate boys’ brains and manage impulsive behavior. Assignments focused on spatial mechanics and task-oriented engagement best support the scholastic learning style of boys. A classroom designed for that gender’s learning style encourages more collaboration between students and teaches valuable teamwork skills. Working together, young men make friendships and form bonds that can last a lifetime, as members of our alumni brotherhood will attest.

A single-gender learning environment creates more space for participation. 

Single-gender schools allow students the advantage of feeling more at ease engaging in candid discussions in the classroom. Students are relieved of the social anxiety of impressing the opposite gender, and feel more comfortable asking questions in a group setting. Increased scholastic inquiry leads to higher levels of intellectual self-confidence. Additionally, students at single-gender schools are able to pursue the electives that appeal to them without the stigmas of gender stereotypes. Boys attending single-gender schools are more engaged in the arts and have better performance in language classes than boys attending coeducational schools. 

A Jesuit education supports spiritual growth.

Another advantage of a single-gender Jesuit school is the spiritual guidance students receive as part of their education. In addition to the dedicated lay men and women on our faculty and staff, our students also benefit from the presence of fourteen Jesuit priests and seminarians. Prayer, reflection, and service are integral components of an education at Jesuit High School. Theology classes provide a framework and vocabulary to help the student analyze and critique his personal experience in light of the tradition of faith. Through the study of theology, students come to know more deeply God’s love, hear more clearly Christ’s call to be men for others, and respond more generously and fully in a life of discipleship.

Contact us to learn more!

Jesuit High School of Sacramento is committed to creating a comprehensive, inspiring learning environment. It’s a place where students say they are known and cared for by our dedicated faculty and by their fellow students. Besides preparing students well for college, a Jesuit High School education prepares today’s students to become tomorrow’s leaders—men of competence, conscience and compassion. Our goal is to help them become “Men for Others” who seek to make the world a better place. Contact our Admissions Department to learn more about the advantages of single-gender schools and the opportunities we offer young men.