Important Message from Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J.
Click here to read a message from the President of Jesuit High School
August 20, 2018
Dear Parents, Alumni, Alumni Parents, Faculty and Staff,
Members of the Board of Trustees, Benefactors, and Friends of
Jesuit High School,
In the wake of the reports of Clergy sexual abuse in
Pennsylvania and elsewhere, I write to say how sad, angry, and
disgusted I am by the crimes, sins, and moral failures of
priests and bishops who have perpetrated such harm, and/or
covered it up, hurting so many people who should have been able
to trust the sacred ministry and humble service of these
men. My first thoughts are for the victims and survivors
of such abuse, and my heart goes out to them. As a Jesuit and a
priest, and as President of Jesuit High School, I feel
horrified and betrayed by these incredibly harmful actions of
my fellow ordained servants of Jesus Christ.
It is a moral imperative for us to compassionately care for
victims of sexual abuse. We must pray for a purifying and
healing and reform in the Catholic Church, and for healing,
justice and the restoration of dignity for those who have
suffered abuse. We must hold accountable those who
perpetrated or enabled abuse, and we must pray for the
transformation of the minds and hearts of the shepherds of the
Most especially, we must not let the failings of some in the
Church, or of the Church itself, damage or overshadow our faith
in God and our desire to follow Jesus Christ in loving and
serving one another in the world. Let us live in
hope—hope in the mercy and compassion of Christ; hope in the
light and love of Christ that shines through every
Below are links to letters from the Bishop of Sacramento, Jaime
Soto, and the Provincial of Jesuits West, Scott Santarosa, S.J.
(JHS ’84), in addressing steps taken to care for victims and
for holding abusers accountable. Jesuit High School takes these
matters very seriously. As educators, we hold ourselves to the
highest standards to protect the students entrusted to our
care, as articulated in our “Employee Code of Conduct,” always
available on the home page of our school website,, and provided in
a link, below.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
or concerns. I am grateful for the community of Jesuit High
Rev. John P. McGarry, S.J.
Read Bishop Soto’s letter here:
Click here
Read Fr. Santarosa’s letter here:
Click here
Read Jesuit High School’s “Employee Code of Conduct”
Click here