Mass of Remembrance
Friday, November 13, 8:30 am, Livestream Recording
The Church encourages the faithful to dedicate the month of November as a time of remembrance for our dear ones who have died. Let us give thanks for their presence in our lives and offer grateful prayers to our loving God who has given us everything that is good.
On Friday, November 13th at 8:30am, we will offer a Mass of Remembrance in the Chapel of the North American Martyrs to celebrate our beloved dead. The Mass will be Livestreamed for our entire community to share. In the red tier in California, we were permitted to seat a few more than 50 socially-distanced members of our community. Because of this limit, we previously asked each person who would like to attend in-person to register using the Google form we provided.
*Update: Sacramento County is moving back into the purple tier on Friday, so only participants who had registered by Thursday morning and were cleared by Immunify may attend this Mass in person.
If you would like to add your loved one’s names to the list of deceased, click the link at the right.