Student Perspective for Parents
Tips for parents to create a supportive, successful school environment


Check in with students, ask them if there is anything they are worried or anxious about.

Students may not always know how to articulate anxiety or stress. Asking them how they are feeling creates a relationship where they may feel comfortable talking to parents.

Refrain from checking students’ grades frequently.

Grades continuously fluctuate and parents may cause unnecessary pressure and stress when frequently checking grades.

Refrain from sending text messages about grades.

Students feel pressure and stress from parents when text messages are sent about grades.

Keep in mind that high school was different when parents went to school, expectations are different.

When parents compare their high school experience with that of their children’s, there is a sense of misunderstanding.

Teach students how to manage their time and stay organized.

Well organized students who manage their time well seem to be better equipped to handle academic pressure and stress.

Encourage students to talk with their teachers if they have an issue.

Students with a sense of autonomy seem to be better equipped to handle academic pressure and stress.

Support students in their extracurricular activities, show up to games and other events.

Students who know their parents are involved and invested may be more willing to talk with their parents if they are having any issues.

Help students understand what is and is not appropriate to stress about.

Not everything is worth equal amounts of stress. 

Do not push students to take AP and honors classes unless they want to take them.

Students who want to take these classes should give their parents a thoughtful reason for wanting to do so, such as they want to be challenged, not just because doing so will look good for college.

Help with homework when asked.

Students feel support from parents when they are free to ask them for help.

Allow students the opportunity to manage their own schedule.

Students who manage their own schedule may be better equipped to handle academic pressure and stress and more prepared for college.

Provide support during the college admissions process, but do not do all the work for students.

Students who have support from their parents during the college admissions process may feel less anxious about the process.

Links to Recommendations Made by Students to Their Parents.  

Recommendations taken from A Phenomenological Approach to Understanding the Pressure to Perform Academically and Subsequent Stress of Students in High-Performing Catholic College Preparatory High Schools (2019) by Anne Harty.