Thursday (7-1-Comm-2-3)
March 17 Community Period Cultural Festival
Special Schedule
- 8:20-9:25—Period 7
- 9:35-10:40—Period 1
- 10:50-11:55—Community
- 11:55-12:30—Lunch
- 12:35-1:45—Examen, Period 2
- 1:55-3:00—Period 3
*schedule updated 12/13/2021
Jesuit High will hold its 2nd Annual Cultural Festival during a special mid-day Community Period on Thursday, March 17. This event will take place in the Senior Quad and all are invited to participate.
There will be a community art project taking place, as well as individuals and heritage clubs sharing cultural traditions, experiences, and other information.
We hope to see you there!