Christmas Tree Lane (CTL) FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Christmas Tree Lane?
Christmas Tree Lane is a major fundraiser of the Loyola Guild of Jesuit High School. CTL consists of a student/parent fashion show, dining experience and holiday shopping boutique. The fashion show is a well-orchestrated theatrical production that includes dancing and modeling amidst a fabulous holiday set and music. It is a fabulous way to kick off the holiday season. Stay up to date on info here.
Who is in the fashion show?
Jesuit High School and St. Francis High School seniors perform in the fashion show as well as the brave parents of our senior boys. For the dinner show, any senior parent who wants to be involved may walk the stage with their son in our Senior Celebration, a farewell scene which represents the rite of children leaving home to start their lives as they graduate from high school.
Who attends the show?
Jesuit parents, alumni, neighbors, friends, family and local parishioners and schools all attend the event. Friendly faces are everywhere!
How do I shop the lane?
The Lane is packed with fabulous holiday shopping opportunities, which include Christmas décor and gifts. You can also purchase one of the traditional “Jesuit Bears” as well as a CTL commemorative ornament.
May I buy the centerpiece?
Yes, in fact the centerpieces often sell out by the last show, so buy early!
Does this event really help Jesuit High School?
The money raised will go to Jesuit High School’s Scholarship fund. This event not only helps those students who benefit from the scholarship fund, but it also greatly contributes to the school’s endeavors, as by attending the event you witness these wonderful young people as they begin to wrap up their senior year of high school. You don’t have to be a parent to share in the pride and joy of the event. The students also tend to be very good entertainers! By being present, you support Jesuit High School and celebrate its success and contribution to the Sacramento community.
What should I wear?
The Gala Dinner is Black Tie Optional, so don’t be afraid to put on the Ritz! Attendees wear their best and most glamorous holiday attire to this show. The Madonna Luncheon is less formal. You will see elegant holiday clothing, but also office attire and favorite old Christmas sweaters.