

Learn more about prayer at Jesuit

Prayer is a regular part of campus life at Jesuit. A morning prayer to kick off the day and an Ignatian form of prayer called the “Examen” after lunch are prayed daily over Jesuit’s PA system.

Creating relationship

Prayer is how one opens one’s mind and heart to God. It can take many forms, have a variety of intents, and be both personal and communal.

Ultimately, prayer is how we can make ourselves known to God and how God can make himself known to us. Any relationship requires communication to flourish, and prayer is how one communicates with God.

Part of daily life

At Jesuit, prayer is woven into nearly every part of campus life. It is, of course, encountered on retreat and in liturgy, but it is also more informally encountered in the team prayer said together before an athletic game, the lifting up to God of special intentions before a class begins, or the school-wide morning prayer and midday examen.