Immersions and Camps


Immersions and Camps

Immersions and Camps

Immersions invite us to enter into community and service with our neighbors whose lives might be unfamiliar to us. They require cultural humility, openness, flexibility, and generosity. This site is intended to help you learn more about our Service Immersion Program for Sophomores and Juniors at Jesuit High School.


Service Harris Center (on Jesuit Campus)

Immersion Information Night
Learn about opportunities for sophomores and juniors

Students and faculty at L'Arche


RSVP link will be available for several weeks

Join us in the Harris Center to learn about the opportunities for Immersion 2025 and review the application process. This is an information session for current sophomores and juniors and their parents/guardians who wish to participate in immersions next summer. Enjoy a simple meal and listen to the experiences of last year’s participants while learning about the many different trips and communities students engage with.


Immersion Experiences
Apply for and view upcoming service experiences

Student's listen to Fr. Pete

2025 Immersion Application 

The Immersion application for the Summer of 2025 opens on November 8. The Application Deadline is Friday, November 15th.

2025 Experiences

Financial aid is available for students currently receiving tuition assistance. If cost is the only factor preventing participation in immersion, please contact the Office of Service and Justice to have a conversation. We want all interested, qualified students to be able to participate in this program.  

The locations are as follows: