Class of 2027 Challenge Exams


You must sign up to take Challenge Tests through FinalForms during enrollment. Challenge tests are available for Math, World Languages, Science and English. Challenge tests will be offered the mornings of March 25 and April 1. 

Jesuit offers Curriculum Testing to Incoming Freshman in Mathematics, English, Science, and World Language.  Pre-registration to take these tests through Final Forms is required.  The order and duration of exams is as follows:

Mathematics - Duration:  1 hour - Start Time:  app. 8:00 am

English - Duration:  45 minutes - Start Time:  app. 9:20 am

Science - Duration: 30 minutes - Start Time:  app. 10:25 am

World Lang. - Duration: 60 minutes – Start Time:  app. 11:15 am

Students who are not testing in all subjects will be directed to go to the Library if they are skipping one of the subject exams but have an exam scheduled for later in the morning (ex.  student testing in math and science only would go to the library while the English exam is being administered). More specific information will be sent to parents of students testing the week prior to testing.