



The Jesuit High School Choral Program offers multiple levels of choir from beginning to advanced, as well as a variety of performance opportunities for our singers. There are 165 students currently enrolled in one of the four choirs. Our singers participate both curricularly and co-curricularly at seasonal concerts, festivals, school-wide liturgies, class masses, Athletics events, and a number of other on-campus events in support of our Advancement and Alumni Offices. And, the best part is, there is no prior experience necessary to join our Choral Program!

Arts Phelan Chapel of the North American Martyrs

Lessons & Carols
Save the Date for an Evening of Prayer and Song

A free, wonderful holiday event!

All friends and members of the Jesuit High School Community are invited to join our Chamber Singers and JHS Drama in an evening of prayer and song, as we celebrate the season of Advent and prepare ourselves anew for the birth of our Savior this Christmas.

Doors open at 6:30pm, and the service begins at 7:00pm.