Info Meetings and Auditions


Info Meetings & Auditions

Jesuit Drama hosts an Info Meeting before every production begins.  It’s a chance for any and all who are interested in working on and off stage to “come find out what the show’s about.”  We’ll announce the show, talk about auditions, explain how to sign up for tech, give you a handout with everything you might need to know about joining us, and provide time to answer any questions that you might have.

All are welcome!


Join Us for Tech!
No experience is necessary

As we start off another season in the Black Box we are excited to welcome back familiar faces and meet those who will become a part of the Tech Crew here at Jesuit Drama!

Tech is a great opportunity to get hands-on experience behind-the-scenes. You’ll be using drills and saws to bring the set to life, climbing ladders to light it beautifully, and working to make sure every detail looks amazing. 

Sign up for Tech


Explore what our fall play’s about!

This fall Jesuit Drama will present Will Averill’s comedy “The Odyssey: By Thespis and the Peloponnesian Midwest Regional Third Place Chorus.”

To learn more about the PLAY, click here.

To learn more about the PLAYWRIGHT, Will Averill, click here.

To learn more about THESPIS, ATHENS and the ORIGINS of GREEK DRAMA, click here.