Weekly Updates


Weekly Updates
Current and past weekly school email communications

The “Weekly Update” is sent to current families and students at the end of the week – usually each Thursday evening via email. Filled with upcoming events and announcements, we hope you find it a helpful tool to stay connected to your Jesuit Sacramento community.

  • The last edition for the 2023-2024 school year will be Thursday, May 17, 2024.
  • Summer editions will be June 13 and July 11.
  • Regular weekly Thursday editions will return in August for the 2024-2025 school year.

Weekly Update – January 27
Health & Safety Update

In recent weeks, Jesuit has monitored several social media accounts that feature photos of students and staff and their property without their permission. Taking pictures or recording students or staff for personal use without their consent and knowledge is not allowed. Some of the content found on these accounts is highly inappropriate and could lead to severe consequences.


Weekly Update – January 7

Calendar update

Please note that our Mass for Peace and Justice has been postponed until April —changing the Friday, January 14 bell schedule.

Report an absence any time

Please use either attendance line number to report an attendance concern/absence for your student. Both numbers, (916) 480-2135 or (916) 573-0291, will take you to an answering service, so you can call anytime day or night. 

COVID Update

As we shared in the Healthy and Safety Update on Wednesday, the return from break has seen many of our Jesuit students experiencing absences, COVID exposures, or positive cases. 

Jesuit has tried to maintain contact tracing of all cases of individuals on and off campus that then subsequently developed the virus. Still, the Omicron variant of COVID is making this more complicated as it does not always appear with defined symptoms. Health experts note that rapid antigen testing may not be as effective as with previous variants.

With that said, here is today’s update:

What we know

  • Individuals can carry this variant and be asymptomatic, so immediate contact tracing may not always occur.
  • The majority of cases we are aware of have very mild symptoms.
  • Many of the positive cases and exposures that have been reported to the school began before the student was present on campus.

What we are doing

  • Our campus school nurse is trying to serve all our families as a resource to consult and track all within our campus that have had possible exposure and positive cases. However, many are occurring outside of campus or reported to us several days later. Because of that timing, Jesuit (similar to many other schools) and county health professionals may not be making direct contact regarding possible exposure in every case.
  • Jesuit continues to require masking indoors, encourage masking when in any group setting, have maximum ventilation with doors and windows open, maintain desk and social distancing, and keep eating and drinking outside.

What you should do

  • Your first line of protection is to monitor for symptoms and not come to campus if feeling ill.
  • Contact your health provider for guidance on treating symptoms, getting tested, and caring for any individual that may have COVID within your family.
  • Share your vaccine status, including “booster,” with Jesuit through the Final Forms Portal

Thank you for your patience and confidence as we all work through this new pandemic challenge together. We know that having your son on-campus is the best place to learn, feel supported, and socially engage with his peers. We are committed to maintaining a safe, in-person experience for all our students. As we have throughout this pandemic, we are in communication with Sacramento County health officials and are monitoring local and state COVID updates. Jesuit will adjust our operations as needed upon their recommendations or applicable new school guidelines.



Weekly Update – December 16

Status of Tik Tok threat claims

As some of you may be aware, posts are circulating on Tik Tok implying schools nationwide are receiving threats of potential school shootings to occur on Friday, December 17. 

Neither Jesuit High School nor any public school in our adjoining school district (San Juan USD)  has received any direct threat. 

Local law enforcement is aware of the Tik Tok posts and is also closely monitoring the rumors. If a direct threat occurs against Jesuit Sacramento – our faculty, staff, students, and families will be notified directly, and safety protocols would be enacted immediately.       

We encourage parents and guardians to speak with their student(s) about using social media platforms mindfully and not to share information that may be inaccurate. 

Please immediately report any suspicious posts regarding a local school to law enforcement. We take all threats seriously and will respond to ensure the safety of all.

Spread the word about open positions

Are you or someone you know looking for an opportunity to engage with and support our students and mission at Jesuit? Check out all new opportunities on our website!

  • Substitutes
  • Coaching
  • Admissions
  • Communications

Weekly Update – December 9

A note regarding the end of this semester and returning to school after the upcoming holiday break

Jesuit High School and the Sacramento region have seen an uptick in the spread of COVID, influenza, and other illnesses with the winter season, holiday gatherings, travel, and other indoor activities. Known COVID cases within our Jesuit school community have remained under 0.5%. To date, we have not had any spread of the Covid-19 virus as a result of contact that occurred in a classroom or other on-campus activity.  


Weekly Update – November 18

Parents and Friends,

Every semester I meet with each class in the gym during a collaboration period. We use this time for practical reasons such as basic reminders, promoting upcoming events, or responding to issues on campus (for example, litter, dress code, technology use). We also use this time to pause and note where we are in the school year and simply recognize what is happening in us and around us right now. We practice one aspect of the first week of the Spiritual Exercises to notice God’s creation all around us. The practice of simply noticing is surprisingly powerful.  


Weekly Update – November 4

Don’t forget we have a short week coming up with Veteran’s Day. If you haven’t seen the Fall Drama production “What?!?! A Game Show” you still have a few more chances this weekend. Watch for more holiday events on the calendar.


Weekly Update – October 28

Dear Parents,

A record-breaking storm, flooding, power outages, and social media at its worst, it’s been quite a week. We always do the best we can under unexpected circumstances that present themselves to us – and this week brought us several. We are grateful for your understanding, your confidence in our safety decisions, and your patience in working through the challenges of this week. As always, we are in this together. 


Weekly Update – October 7

Parents and students

Jesuit High School has been monitoring a recent rash of vandalism incidents that has had a negative impact on many middle and high schools in our county. Jesuit is no exception. This trend involves students “licking” or stealing or vandalizing school property and posting about it on social media.

Please read the full message from Dean Theodule.

We want to stress that stealing and/or vandalizing school property is a crime. This is a serious offense, and if a student is found to be stealing, in possession of stolen items, or vandalizing school property (including other people’s personal belongings) they will be subject to disciplinary measures, including suspension or expulsion, may be referred to the local police department for citation, and may be asked to pay for property repair.  


Weekly Update – September 30

October means that we are in the midst of admissions season where we spend countless hours preaching about the mission of Jesuit High School and the incredible opportunities that it affords our students. Our Admissions Team is doing excellent work as they attend school visits, organize shadow days, and prepare for our Future Marauder Open Campus event on Sunday, October 17. I am especially excited about the new innovations we have built into this year’s open house. We have activated more areas of the campus, offering greater opportunities for personal interaction and a hands-on feel of what it is like to be a Marauder. 

Our current parents and students are our greatest ambassadors, so I ask that you spread the word and invite prospective families to attend! This annual event is one of the most important for spreading the word about Jesuit High School and getting people on campus to hear our story and see what it means to form Men for Others.