The Plank

Plank Article Aiden Thomas '27 Jason De Guzman ’25

Back to School Night grants parents a promising start to the school year

On Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, Jesuit High School Sacramento will hold its annual Back to School Night. 

While Back to School Night functions roughly the same between classes, each teacher has a different style of presenting. For English Teacher Mr. Kyle Trivits, his presentation revolves around giving parents and guardians the student experience.

“I try to accomplish two things,” Mr. Trivits said.“I want parents to experience my class, to get a taste of what it’s like for their students day to day. And the second thing is an overview. What sorts of things I hope to accomplish, my goals, and the ways I go about accomplishing those goals.”

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25

Freshman Overnight, an initiation into the brotherhood

On the evening of Saturday, Aug. 24, Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Freshman Class of ’28 had an experience they will never forget. A night filled with games, prayer, and community bonding, the Freshman Overnight Retreat served as a way to welcome this year’s freshmen into the Jesuit community.

Student Activities Director Mr. Peter Ferrari was an integral part in coordinating an evening full of fun and games. During this time, freshmen at the retreat were able to connect with their classmates and form relationships that will last throughout high school.

“[The retreat offered] a shared experience, an opportunity for the Freshman to get to know and bond with their classmates,” Mr. Ferrari said, “[They got] a shared experience, an opportunity to step out of their routine and explore a little bit of their relationship with God, and explore who they are in this community.”

Plank Article Jason De Guzman ’25 Cooper Zarro '26

“Pass the ball,” Jesuit celebrates its annual Mass of the Holy Spirit

At the start of every school year Jesuit high schools and universities all over the world celebrate the Mass of the Holy Spirit, spiritually centering themselves to start the year off strong. Jesuit High School Sacramento celebrated its mass on Friday, Aug. 23, 2024.

Each year, a set of special rituals are performed during the Mass of the Holy Spirit. At the start of the gathering, School President Jayden Canio ’25 and Vice President Justin Paredes ’25 named every school in Jesuit’s West Province, praying for them. Then, each class president lit his class’s candle, as Jayden and Justin explained the meaning of each class color.

Plank Article Matin Sayareh '25 Cooper Zarro '26

Kicking off, under the lights

A new era of Jesuit High School Sacramento football has arrived. With the move into the Sierra Foothill League and the addition of permanent stadium lights, the atmosphere at home games will never be the same again. The first of these matches, which takes place on Friday, Aug. 30 against Rio Americano High School, is crucial to setting Jesuit off to a good start.

Quarterback Theodore “Teddy” Rios ’26 believes that this highly anticipated game will give the team a chance to prove themselves in a new year.

“[The lights] will just bring another level of energy and excitement before the game,” Teddy said. “The Rio game is going to be really energetic, we’re really pumped, it’s a great rivalry, everyone is super close together at both schools and we’re just trying to go out and make a statement that we’re for real.”

Plank Article Milo Moggan ’26

Jesuit football: fueled by ambition

On Friday, Aug. 27, the Jesuit High School varsity football team played De La Salle High School in their only scrimmage game. Their season officially opens against Rio Americano High School on Aug. 30.

Although score is not kept in scrimmages, this matchup still served as a solid benchmark for the team’s performance going into the season.​

“Friday’s scrimmage was a great learning experience for us,” said running back Jack Patock ’25. “We saw where our strengths were, and found areas that we need to work on. We struggled being consistent – some drives we played well, and others we played poorly. Our goal is to be more consistent and make less mistakes each week, which I know we can achieve.”

Plank Article Jason De Guzman ’25

Let there be lights

Jesuit High School Sacramento has reached a key milestone in its endeavor to install stadium lights on the football field. At a hearing on Wednesday, June 4, 2024, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the installation of the lights, giving the go-ahead for a proposal that has existed since the fall of 2021. Jesuit has been working over the summer to fundraise for the construction of the four stadium lights, and as the school year begins, those permanent stadium lights are closer than ever to becoming a reality.

In the fall of 2021, Jesuit submitted Use Permit PLNP2021-00262, which marked the start of the school’s quest to acquire stadium lights. Over the next few years, the proposal went through a long county approval process filled with planning, analyzing, and communicating with neighbors. The proposal was finally set to be approved last March this year, but on the last day of public comment an appeal was filed and accepted by the county. So, a hearing was scheduled on June 4, which resulted in the long-awaited approval of the installation of stadium lights on the football field.

Plank Article Daniel Krueger '24

Opinion: Major League Baseball in Sacramento

Created in 1901, the Oakland Athletics (A’s) are no stranger to moving cities. Originally serving as the Major League Baseball (MLB) team for Philadelphia, the A’s moved to Kansas City in 1955, and then moved again to Oakland in 1968. This April, the organization announced perhaps their most unusual move of all.

Plank Article Daniel Krueger '24

Jesuit commemorates salutatorian and valedictorian

Every year, Jesuit High School Sacramento announces their Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the graduating class. This year James Randall ’24 was named Valedictorian and Delvin Ntale, ’24 the Salutatorian.As Salutatorian, Delvin will start the graduation in prayer, after which James will give his valedictorian address, a speech about the Senior class and their four years together at Jesuit.   

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25

Learning the beauty of game design

Since Jesuit High School Sacramento’s computer science curriculum began offering Honors Game Development, the class has undergone immense changes.

Honors Game Development teacher Mr. Peter Strawn ’04 has taught computer science at Jesuit for six years. He teaches a broad scope of video game topics in the class, from their code to their visuals and everything in between.

“[Game development is] all about, in my mind, studying the art, science, design, and beauty of video games,” Mr. Strawn said. “From the basics of how they’re made, to understanding the mechanics of the games that students already play and to building things of their own creativity.”

Plank Article Brady Anderson ’25 Matt Freeman ’25

Showcasing the harmony of teamwork

On Thursday, April 18, Jesuit High School Sacramento’s Orchestra performed their spring season concert at the Phelan Chapel of the North American Martyrs, where they got the opportunity to showcase their teamwork and skill.

Samuel “Sam” Gegax ’25 is happy with the turnout and feedback from the audience and feels like the orchestra’s hard work paid off. 

Plank Article Matin Sayareh '25

Grant Anderson ’24: incorporating compassion to reach success

Over the past four years, Grant Anderson ’24 has excelled in nearly everything he does at Jesuit High School Sacramento. Whether it’s on the mat, in academics, or in daily life, Grant incorporates his compassion in order to reach this success. 

“Grant has a tremendous impact on those around him,” said Sports Performance Coordinator Mr. Jay Nacionales. “He leads with his words, but more importantly, he leads by example. You can tell he truly cares for his fellow peers.” 

Plank Article Joshua Deligero '26

Zachariah Michelena ’24: raising the bar

Zach Michelena ’24 is an excellent teammate.

“Zach constantly shows he is a ‘Man for Others’ in both small and big ways,” said Mock Trial Head Coach Holly Stout. “Often, he’s the one anticipating what’s needed of his mock trial teammates and working through testimony with them. He also is the first one to offer help of any kind to any of his classmates or coaches.”

Plank Article Matt Freeman ’25

Jesuit welcomes the Kino Border Initiative to campus

On March 14, Jesuit High School Sacramento welcomed a group from the Kino Border Initiative (KBI), a program devoted to helping migrants in Nogales, Mexico. KBI provides helpful resources such as food and shelter to those being deported or seeking asylum in the United States. Additionally, they work towards spreading awareness throughout the country of what life at the border is really like.

Plank Article Cooper Zarro '26

Opinion: “Dune: Part Two” is a must-watch

With the release of Denis Villeneuve’s “Dune: Part Two” (Part Two), audiences across the world sighed a collective breath of relief. Somehow, the sequel to the 2021 film has managed to meet and surpass the near insurmountable weight of expectations it carried before its release. The sci-fi epic changed the world of film forever, and it will be talked about favorably for years to come.

Plank Article Daniel Krueger '24

Lucas Kim ’24: playing several positions

Few students in this year’s senior class are as involved throughout campus life as Lucas Kim ’24, and even  fewer who have been as crucial to their programs as he. In addition to being the vice president of the Asian Pacific Islander Club, Lucas is the historian for student council, the co-president of the peer tutoring program, and a varsity soccer player.