The Plank

Plank Article Harley Sherman ’22

Freshman experience amid COVID-19 challenges

Making an easier transition to high school for freshmen has always been a top priority for Jesuit High School Sacramento. But with the pandemic limiting in-person interaction, and after having complete online learning until Oct. 20, this year’s freshmen class hasn’t had a typical introduction to the Jesuit community.

Plank Article Matt Parks ’21

What Christmas means to the Jesuit Community

There’s a lot of imagery that surrounds Christmas. 

In Catholic tradition, the Christmas season celebrates the birth of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of Mary. Angels announced this good news to shepherds in a field, who found him wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manager. Three gentile wise men, guided by a star, traveled to visit the new-born king and present him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Then, as now, it is a time of revelation, wonder, and joy. God is with us.

Plank Article Harley Sherman ’22

COVID-19 changes Christmas plans, does not halt the season’s spirit

With final exams over and the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year in the books, members of the Jesuit High School Sacramento community are enjoying their Christmas Break. But while the holidays are usually a time to come together, things are sure to be different this year considering that four of California’s five regions are under a stay-at-home order.

Plank Article Klarenz Basco ’22

Adjusting to the new normal

On Oct. 20, Jesuit High School Sacramento reopened its campus with a hybrid class schedule and heightened safety protocols. With so many rules and precautions to follow, students and teachers have had to make adjustments, some finding it harder than others to adapt.

Plank Article Matt Parks ’21

Jesuit students define what it means to be a Marauder

This latest edition of the “What it means to be a Marauder?” series comes from current students, who answer the question as it relates to them today. 

Since the establishment of Jesuit High School Sacramento in 1963, the school’s mascot has been the Marauders. Now, 57 years later, in 2020, what does it mean to be a Marauder for students?